It all started a few days ago when I saw this Pinterest Post in Holly’s Potluck Post
which stems from a post over here at Ali Martell’s Blog where Ali makes her kids hold hands as a punishment after they have been bickering. Brilliant! My kids have been bickering lately.. I thought, I’ll just show them next time they are at each other’s throats. Mama has a new weapon in the arsenal of parenting, yeah Mama!
So today the opportunity arrived. They were playing Glow Hockey on their iPods and there was a bunch of back and forth that included accusations of cheating and unfairness and something referred to as “not doing it right.”
Ah Ha, I thought, this is what I’ve been waiting for…
“Put down the iPods and go sit over there on the couch together and hold hands,” I commanded. This will put an end to the bickering! And I'll get a cute hand holding picture out of it like Ali did! Evil Genius Mom!
And it did...
but what followed was something out of If You Give A Moose A Muffin
If you punish my children with Hand Holding
Once things start to get silly
Once the hugging starts
And if things are cuddily and the 5 minutes of hand holding is not up yet….
Evil Genius Mom, foiled again by Smarter Than They Have A Right To Be Kids.
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